Deserts are becoming dryer, hurricanes are becoming stronger and wildfires are raging with increasing frequency and intensity. Tornado Alley is slowly shifting from the
traditional regions of west Texas towards the east and north. (Near Miami, Texas - May 1994)
internal struggle between self-preservation and a burning obsession to witness even more."
(East of Amarillo, Texas - June 2008)
storms much more than covering everyday assignments." (Tucson, AZ. 2021)
This includes my favorite work zone during hurricanes -- in the storm surge. It's a dangerous place to cover the action, but
it provides the viewer a much more dramatic and realistic perpective of what tropical weather is capable of. "
diesel oil fills the air. When the rescuers depart, people turn to searching the piles of debris, seeking even the smallest token that might connect them to the past. It's often important that
the storm does take everything."
(Joplin, Missouri - EF5 tornado - May 2011)
and navigation while dodging everything from softball-sized hailstones to dust storms and slow moving farm equipment." (Near Attica, Kansas - May 29, 2004)
to the science,
safety and education of severe weather.> (Tucson, Arizona - July 1989)
Page 2 - Adventures Into Darkness →
Warning! All images are copyright Warren Faidley. Copyright abuse is strictly enforced.
Any use requires written permission and licensing by Mr. Faidley. Thank you.
These pictures are available as high quality enlargements by commission only. Please contact our office for information.
Storm photography and storm chasing is inherently dangerous. Individuals wishing to conduct
storm chases should gain proper knowledge and training before conducting any activities near storms.